Saturday, January 9, 2016


2nd round interview

Date: January 11, 2016

Time: 2.45 pm

Venue: E Y India
             22 Camac Street
             Block - C
             Kolkata - 700016


a. Report as per the notified time
b. 3 copies of current CV / RESUME 
c. 3 copies of current pass port size photographs
d. Original mark sheet (till date) and other documents and   a set of photocopy
e. Photo ID and address proof (Voter card, Pan Card, Driving licence, Pass port etc) 
f. Must carry SXC ID card
g. Dress code: Formal 

1. Nimesh Agarwal
2. Rashesh Bhagat
3. Rajat S R
4. Harshita
5. Harsha Choudhury
6. Tanay Nangalia
7. Yashvardhan Kanoi

All the best........

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