Wednesday, March 22, 2017


About Online Summer Internship Fair 2017 - 
  • Brands like Uber, L&T, Jabong, General Motors and 11 more are hiring interns for the coming summer season.
  • This internship fair is open for all the students and includes profiles like engineering, management, fashion, content writing, design etc.
  • Students can participate free of cost in the fair. 
To participate in the fair, students need to enroll here - (enrollment has already begun). The fair will be live on 30th & 31st March where students can apply to these internships.

I request you to kindly share this mail with all your students so that they can secure exciting summer internships.

Please feel free to contact us on (+91) 8130048215 if you have any query.
Kumar Kishalaya
Manager - University Relations 

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