Monday, February 4, 2013

Inspiring Business Performance Ltd

Excellence in People (Pvt) Limited (EiP) is jointly owned by Inspiring Business Performance Limited (IBP) and UNICOM/OptiRisk. EiP is fully constituted under Indian law and has its own Memorandum and Articles of Association. EiP will deliver Investors in People services in India, providing advice and assessment services and awarding Investors in People accreditation under the Licence awarded by UK Commission for Skills & Employment (UKCES).
Inspiring Business Performance Ltd (IBP) enables organisations to build success and competitive advantage through the alignment of people with business direction and objectives. IBP is the only licensed Investors in People Centre covering the entire South of England and has helped over 7,500 organisations achieve Investors in People Recognition and reap the business benefits of the UK's leading people management standard.  IBP also offers a range of innovative business to business products and solutions.
IBP has been accredited with the Investors in People Standard Silver Award.
OptiRisk Systems operates in both the UK and India (as OptiRisk India Ltd.) to provide products and services for Optimisation and Risk Management solutions in the areas of Optimisation, Risk Modelling, Portfolio Planning, Asset and Liability Management, Supply Chain Management, Strategic & Tactical Management.
UNICOM Seminars Ltd. is a UK-based training and event company; it was established in 1984 and specialises in B2B training and conferences for the IT and IS Management sector. In 2010, it started operating in India as UNICOM Training and Seminars Pvt. Ltd. The company has plans to expand into emerging countries of South Asia.
Both OptiRisk Systems and UNICOM are highly customer-focused and motivate their staff to provide an excellent service, which matches the business needs of the clients. Both companies have been awarded the Investors in People standard.

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