Friday, September 18, 2015


Internship / JOB

URL: www.

Webbies is an association of people who Eat while on the web, Pray to the Gods residing in Silicon Valley , Love the Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerburgs of the world, and Sleep while continuously dreaming about what can be the next breakthrough app. The web is our home. We comprise of people who jump in excitement when they feel they have cracked the design or the algorithm they were working on, people who are deeply passionate about what they are doing. "We are here to build a more beautiful and a more interactive web." 
Positions:  Android Developer (2 positions) 

Job Description: - 
Demonstrated strengths in Mobile Application Development in Android 
Strong Object-Oriented knowledge and develop robust applications 
Hands-on experience with integrating third-party frameworks and APIs 

Technical Knowledge: Java, Parsing Json APIs, XML, Android library

Must: Good communication skills, Strong technical knowledge with a good grasp of technical terminology. 
Salary: 15000-35000 PM, Experience: 1+ Years

Education: CS Graduate/ Undergraduate or a self learnt programmer 
CTC: 12000-35000 Per Month

Position:  PHP developer (2 positions)
Job Description:
Demonstrated strengths in Web Development 
Strong Object-Oriented knowledge
Hands-on experience with integrating HTML, CSS

Technical Knowledge: PHP, SQL, Jquery,Knowing Wordpress is an add on

Must: Good communication skills, Strong technical knowledge with a good grasp of technical terminology. 
CTC: 12000-30000 PM
Education: CS Graduate/ Undergraduate or a self learnt programmer 

Internship  Position: Cinematographers and videographers with creative instincts.
Positions:  Cinematographer/ Video editor

Job Description: One time project to produce an ad for a tech product to be launched shortly.

Technical Knowledge:Creative instincts, good knowledge on cinematography and heart of using angles to tell a story, basic understanding of post production softwares
Interested students are requested to mail their RESUME at: with in 7 days

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