Friday, March 21, 2014


Gandhi Fellowship provides youth a first-hand experience of social change and develops leadership
skills in the process. We at Gandhi Fellowship are training youth to become future nation builders to
solve the pressing problems we face today.
The fellow work with 5 Government Schools and their local communities, 5 Headmasters, 50 Teachers and 500 Children bringing about sustainable and visible enhancement in both the systems
of school and quality in learning it delivers.
The deeper change is however something that happens within them. The program is designed for
young people to systematically build the competencies of a LEADER. The fellowship provides
a context and support for practical, grassroots experiential learning which deepens
their understanding of existing systems; challenges their own abilities to find solutions and
bring forth their own rigor and perseverance and leading change.

Gandhi Fellowship is encouraging peer learning environment. The Fellow also receives on-site
support from a dedicated team of professionals to facilitate in negotiating the problems and
come up with solutions.
Each fellow receives an endowment of INR 14,000/month with other shared boarding, loading and communication are borne by the Program.

The Fellowship is open to any person who is appearing for the final year examinations of graduation
or post-graduation from any discipline. Since the inception of fellowship we have recruited young
people from diverse streams such as Engineering, Applied and Pure Sciences, Commerce and
Business, Humanities and Liberal Arts, Social and Behavioural Science, Media and Journalism,
Education, Law etc. This has helped us in developing peer learning environment.
Gandhi Fellowship since 2008 in its four batches has engineered 145 fellows. All of them are doing
well in their chosen domains. At this very moment 207 fellows are going through the journey of
change. All of these fellows are from all over India and have chosen life trajectories of their own. They will define their own destinies and will carve their own paths of life.

Selection Process
Stage – 1. Download Applications from ; send complete application to
Stage – 2. If your application is shortlisted you will go through Telephonic Interview
Stage – 3. Final Personal Interview in Kolkata on 4th April,2014

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