You might be aware, last year TCS iON, in collaboration with AICTE, launched a custom-curated, 20-hour long, free Career Skills course that will help students hone foundational skills critical to enhancing their employability. The course covers topics such as corporate etiquette, resume writing, effective email writing, impactful presentations, interpersonal skills, group discussion and interview skill etc. It will be available to students throughout the duration of their degree curriculum. It can be taken multiple times so that students can continuously work on their career skills.
We have noticed that your institute is yet to take advantage of the FREE course that will be of immense benefit to your students. Kindly use the link below to register your college and receive the course details.
Registration Link >>
Thousands of students have benefited from the course. Given below are few feedbacks received from the students who have taken the course.
- "The course is clear and very useful for any fresher who is entering the corporate world”
- "The course helped me gain new ideas on steps to prepare for an interview"
- "Through this course I have increased my knowledge on how to effectively participate in GDs"
Let us come together and make a difference to the student community.
For further details, please connect to us.
- E-mail:
- Call @ 1800 266 6282
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