Wednesday, April 13, 2022



Be the One
Making change happen

Introducing Season II : Social Impact-a-thon

If you have a personal story of “Social Responsibility”, that's your own, and has made a positive impact on a community; then we want to know your story! We are excited to announce that Be the One is back with its second season! A platform to unearth stories of commitment from the student community, it provides students an opportunity for share their individual stories on impact, and top 10 students will present this in front of a live audience! The first edition gave a us a glimpse into the impactful stories focused on DEI. This time, the theme is Social Responsibility.

Registrations are now open. Submit your stories by April 25, 2022 at


*please read the terms & conditions of the program before registering, any deviations from the guidelines will lead to disqualification


Theme for this season : Social Responsibility

We, at Deloitte, believe that community is our business. Our focus is to contribute to the success of India's future generations through grassroots efforts in education and employability. As part of this edition of Be the One, we will focus on the following sub-themes and invite applications of impact, that drove greater change and delivered lasting impact:








Students who submitted entries in Season 1, that did not match the previous theme (DEI), but matches the current theme (Social Responsibility) are encouraged to reshare their entries and stand a chance to Be the One.

Are you ready to Be the One?

Now, more than ever, individuals are aware of their role in society and the power of good they hold within them to bring in change. Are you passionate about driving positive change in your communities?

Click here to know more about Be the One, themes and participation guidelines. The top 10 selections will get an opportunity to present their stories in front of a live audience and get Deloitte issued virtual badges & exciting goodie bags!

If you believe in using your strengths to make an impact, share your story, today!

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